Why Do Companies Change Their Logo?

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There are many things that come to mind when we think of a company, such as its products and services, its logo, and its user experience. But, the company logo is typically what will strike your mind first. 

A logo is a symbol, word, shape, or other tiny design that represents the name and purpose of an organization. Logos are essential for creating a positive first impression and establishing a company’s brand identity. Logos also play a key role in differentiating your brand from others. 

Every company requires a logo refresh now and then for a variety of reasons, one of which is to give customers the impression that the company is active. The company is evolving and adapting to stay with the modern environment, as evidenced by logo updates. 

You don’t want to appear old and unwilling to change. Especially if it’s a historic company. Consumers will have something against which to judge your business, and you will appear out of touch with the modern world.

Several major corporations spend thousands of dollars each year to redesign their logos. When I go to the grocery store and can’t find my favorite noodle because the packaging has changed yet again, I’m reminded of this. 

Why Do Great Companies Changes Their Logo?

#1 Company Merger

When two or more organizations merge to form one, they will be able to offer a wide range of products, services, and facilities. It is vital to develop a new logo to help them rebrand due to the number of employees, market share, and product portfolio expansion.

#2 A shift In The Company's Focus And Value

When a business is established to sell a specific product or service. They may shift their concentration to other topics over time. Although the company is now rather old, its products and services have evolved. Updating or replacing your company’s logo could be a terrific way to give it a new look.

#3 Continuous Evolution

It’s difficult to keep up with the speed in our ever-changing world, where new businesses are formed every other week. This indicates that your logo is rapidly deteriorating. Customers’ perceptions are changing all the time these days.

As a result, a logo that is in step with current trends is essential. Customers like to try new things just because they are new in this social media age. If your brand is unable to keep up with current trends, many clients, including your most loyal customers, may abandon you.

#4 The Logo Is Visually Outdated

In some cases, the logo was appropriate when it was created, but it now appears to be outdated. The brand will not feel stale or out of date after a redesign. Coca-cola, Microsoft, Apple, Kia, and Google have all done it in the past.

#5 Simplifying For Better Recognition

Your company’s logo may go unnoticed at times. It’s due to shoddy design. Now, if you’re going to alter your logo, make sure you do it right.

A logo is no longer simply for stationery and business cards. It will appear on your website, in your physical location, on employee uniforms or delivery vehicles, and in other places. It’s critical to get it correctly the first time.

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Why Do Companies Change Their Name ?

A name change is also an opportunity to refresh the brand and demonstrate to customers that the company is evolving. A name change often just aligns the organization with language that customers are already familiar with. Coca-Cola, for example, is currently known as The Coca-Cola Company.

When the initial business expands, this is the most prevalent reason.  Either because of a merger or a new expansion plan with new products and services, their original brand name may no longer fit. Therefore, a new modified name is required. Some reasons why companies do so:

1. No Longer Precise

When companies decide to make a huge change in their current operations, a new or modified name is required. Such changes occur when brands want consumers and investors to get a better idea of who they are and what they are doing new. The new name will make a difference over time.

2. Leveraging a Strong Name

In rare situations, a corporate group with several enterprises under its umbrella may change its brand name to the most successful portion of the group, creating an iconic brand. When only one portion of the group’s name is getting all the attention, this is the best decision one can make. 

3. Company Merger

When the initial business expands, this is the most common reason to change the name. After the merger, there could be difficulty in choosing the right name that will represent the new company. Take the time to think about what new name might appeal to your customer if your brand name no longer reflects your business. 

#4 More User Friendly

Those names that are simple and easy to pronounce are the most effective ones. Furthermore, a simple name is also very easy to remember. The most famous brands usually have a short name.

To appeal to a wider audience, several brands modify or shorten their names. A few examples of famous brands with short name are Apple, Google, meta, Ford, etc.

#4 Rebuild, Restructure And Rename

A new name can be a catalyst for positive development in some circumstances when a firm is broken or wishes to remove itself from controversy or unfavorable reputation. After the controversy, the company is usually defamed. Therefore, the renaming will help to gain trust and reputation again.

#5 Company Merger

When the initial business expands, this is the most common reason to change the name. After the merger, there could be difficulty in choosing the right name that will represent the new company.

Take the time to think about what new name might appeal to your customer if your brand name no longer reflects your business. 

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Frequently Asked Questions.(FAQ)

1. What Is Logo Refresh?

A less dramatic approach is refreshing. Consider it a makeover for your logo that incorporates existing design features. A designer will make tiny changes to what’s currently there during a logo update, such as adding messaging, altering colors, or simplifying the overall appearance and feel. 

A logo refresh is simply a tactical operation that is frequently carried out to guarantee that a company keeps up with current market trends. Companies that reinvent communication methods might expect to lose their competitive advantage quickly. Refreshing your logo is an excellent approach to represent a major shift in your company.

2. How Often Should A Company Change Its Logo?

A company’s logo says a lot about its business. Suppose a company is a house then the color of the house is the logo. A house needs are painted from time to time. Likewise, a company’s logo must be redesigned or changed in some time. 

The logo of a company should be changed every five years. If not changed, it should at least be redesigned.

3. Your company Is Thinking Of Changing Its Logo. Is It Good?

When people see an outdated logo of an organization, they assume it isn’t up to speed with modern best practices. Update your logo at least once every five years, as a good rule of thumb.

The new logo is meant to give the organization a new look while also showcasing its merged identities. When a firm is divided and a new entity with new management is formed, a new logo may be developed.

The way customers perceive your firm and whether or not they have a positive first impression are both influenced by your logo change. Redesigning a logo that is visibly relevant is a good idea.


This was our take on why the company changed its logo and name. Companies like Renault, Peugeot, Discord, Volvo, etc, have either changed or redesigned their logo.

Everyone strives to make their company’s logo unique in the modern-day, where consumers are influenced by the design and presentation of a product and logo. For that, you need a top-notch graphic designer that can add the critical element or company emblem into the design with an attractive look.

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