Social Media Management

socila media marketing agency in nepal

Do you need help managing and handling your social media platforms? 
Are you looking for a Social Media Management company in Nepal? 

Welcome to Hypeyeti Marketing! 

Social media management has been our bread and butter since day one.  Our experienced social media managers ensure you’re social media accounts are active and up-to-date. Daily posting, responses to messages & comments, etc. all come under social media management. 

Social media management has become more critical than ever. Data from Sprout Social show that more than 50% of users follow a brand or company to stay updated on products and services. It is important to post regularly to stay in touch with the followers and respond promptly to any queries. Social media is seen as a quicker and more comfortable channel for people to communicate with a brand. Treating such leads with priority is important to increase sales. 

Social media is one of the most important marketing weapons for businesses. Managing social media has become challenging with many responsibilities to fulfil before seeing any positive results. While in-house social media teams work, working with a specialized social media marketing company brings more benefits to the table. They offer higher expertise and other services involved with social media. 

What is Social Media Management?

Social media management includes various activities, and tools used to create, publish, monitor, and analyze content across various social media platforms to achieve specific business or organizational goals. Social media management is one of the leading services in a marketing campaign. Social media is one of the most preferred methods of primary conversation for customers. Having active social media accounts enables improved customer service and helps increase business.

Social media plays a crucial role in building and maintaining a strong online presence, fostering brand loyalty, and generating valuable insights into consumer behavior. Social media management also includes maintaining a consistent brand voice and image across platforms, ensuring that content aligns with the brand’s values, goals, and target audience preferences.

Cost of Social Media Management in Nepal

The cost of social media management can vary depending on several factors such as active hours, number of platforms, number of posts, and other add-ons. For a small company, the cost of social media management can start from NPR 5,000 to NPR 20,000. For a medium-sized company, the cost can range from NPR 20,000 to NPR 40,000 per month. For a large business whose customer engagement is higher, the cost can be upwards of NPR 40,000. This is an estimated range for the cost of social media management in Nepal.

It is important to consider the requirements, objectives, and budget before finalizing social media management services. Social media management can be wasteful if done without proper preparation and research. It is also important to analyze the data and reports provided by social media platforms. 


How often should I post on social media?

Posting frequency depends on several factors: platform selection, target audience preferences, brand reach, etc. Generally, it is preferred to post 3 to 5 times a week on Facebook and Instagram, 2 to 3 times a week on LinkedIn, and daily on Twitter (X) and TikTok. 

Do I really need an agency to post on social media?

Yes. A social media management company provides not just regular posting but analysis of the market and your competitors. This leads to an betterment in the quality of the posts and increases customer engagement. 

What Sets Hypeyeti Apart from Other Companies?

Our unique blend of creativity, data-driven strategies, and deep market insights sets us apart. We prioritize understanding your business and audience to create tailored campaigns that deliver tangible results.

What contents are best to post on social media?

All sorts of content work on social media with the right approach and plan. We recommend posting informative content mixed with commercial intent on social media. Adding some funny and entertaining content also works to get more quick short-term engagement. 

Our Social Media Management Creatives

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